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La Crosse Technology Wireless Backlight Digital Forecast Station with Pressure History and Graph

La Crosse Technology Wireless Backlight Digital Forecast Station with Pressure History and Graph

$49.44 - $110.00
Sleek, stylish display shows all your complete backyard weather with fast reception, and wireless technology. Easy-to-Read display features: Adjustable backlight feature (HI/LO/OFF) using AC power, Forecast outlook icons with Tendency, Pressure with Historical Graph, Both Indoor & Outdoor Temperature (F/ C) and Humidity (%RH), and Atomic self-set time with Automatic for Daylight Savings Time Updates. Weather station includes one wireless temperature/humidity sensor to monitor backyard climate, garage or storage room, in an attic or greenhouse, even a wine cellar. With its 915 MHz Instant Transmission, it allows faster outdoor transmission, longer range distance of 330 feet from the base, lower outdoor temperatures readings of down -40 F, and a longer battery life. Wireless capabilities with digital technology, it's can be portable to take with you practically anywhere!.
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Product description

Sleek, stylish display shows all your complete backyard weather with fast reception, and wireless technology. Easy-to-Read display features: Adjustable backlight feature (HI/LO/OFF) using AC power, Forecast outlook icons with Tendency, Pressure with Historical Graph, Both Indoor & Outdoor Temperature (F/ C) and Humidity (%RH), and Atomic self-set time with Automatic for Daylight Savings Time Updates. Weather station includes one wireless temperature/humidity sensor to monitor backyard climate, garage or storage room, in an attic or greenhouse, even a wine cellar. With its 915 MHz Instant Transmission, it allows faster outdoor transmission, longer range distance of 330 feet from the base, lower outdoor temperatures readings of down -40 F, and a longer battery life. Wireless capabilities with digital technology, it's can be portable to take with you practically anywhere!.

Product specifications

Product name
La Crosse Technology Wireless Backlight Digital Forecast Station with Pressure History and Graph
Hostname: dc1-fe-kelkoo9-06 Version: 2.2.137