Product description
This dual language kit is full of learning and activities that can be beneficial to young students. Every component and instruction is provided in both English and Spanish. The kit includes a game, a STEM challenge, dry erase mats, and more that can be worked on as a family. This kit is great for the school to home connection and provides an opportunity for families to get involved in their childs education. It also includes extension activities that can be taken beyond the kit as well as instructions for use. WHAT YOU GET: This bagged kit includes an 8-1/2 x 11 kit guide, 2 journals that measure 8-1/2 x 11, 4 double-sided dry erase mats, 1 dry erase marker, 1 board game, 1 STEM challenge, 62 double-sided flash cards, and crayons.; BASIC SKILLS: This kit covers many basic skills such as letter recognition, colors, numbers, positional words, weather, writing, reading, science, and more.; FULL ENGLISH AND SPANISH: Every component of this kit includes English and Spanish. The guide, along with all instructions and print on products is fully dual language.; REPEATED PRACTICE: Many components of this kit offer engaging, repeated practice activities that students and families can use time and again to keep skills up and to master skills.; PERFECT FOR DUAL LANGUAGE STUDENTS: Whether students and families speak English or Spanish, this kit is a perfect addition to their learning. ; null 171456 ELL Spanish early learning dual language bilingual Spanish activities Spanish language prek kit basic skills bi-lingual Spanish Kindergarten Readiness Spanish ELA Spanish Reading Pre-Reading Pre-Writing Spanish Kindergarten Practice K Spanish Curriculum Learning at Home Family Engagement Learning Letters escuela actividades aprender leer curiculo ejercisios lenguaje colores libros numeros figuras matematicas juegos primaria espanol en espanol 171456 ELL Spanish early learning dual language bilingual Spanish activities Spanish lang