Empire Art Direct 48 in. x 32 in. "Homme 2" Mixed Media Iron Hand Painted Dimensional Wall Art

Empire Art Direct 48 in. x 32 in. "Homme 2" Mixed Media Iron Hand Painted Dimensional Wall Art

$176.47 - $574.99 (inc P&P)
In the tradition of Picasso, this painted wall sculpture brings to mind the works of the famous Spanish artist. Done in an almost cubist style, this piece delivers different facets as it is viewed from different angles. Primo achieves this three dimensional feel using molded pieces of metal and painting effects. Challenging the eye as well as the mind is the intent of these types of abstract works and this one certainly does. This piece would look at home in any collection of abstract art or as a conversation piece in the home.
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Product description

In the tradition of Picasso, this painted wall sculpture brings to mind the works of the famous Spanish artist. Done in an almost cubist style, this piece delivers different facets as it is viewed from different angles. Primo achieves this three dimensional feel using molded pieces of metal and painting effects. Challenging the eye as well as the mind is the intent of these types of abstract works and this one certainly does. This piece would look at home in any collection of abstract art or as a conversation piece in the home.

Product specifications

Product name
Empire Art Direct 48 in. x 32 in. "Homme 2" Mixed Media Iron Hand Painted Dimensional Wall Art
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